Our Impact

Each year, Challenge Center provides more than 20,000 hours of transformative therapeutic services to people of all ages with severe mobility disorders and their families. Your support ensures that Challenge Center clients in need continue to receive the physical therapy necessary to regain their independence, the assisted fitness services required to maintain good health, and the positive environment to restore their spirits long after their health insurance coverage for these services has ended.

The Year in Numbers


Hours of service provided


of Balance Class participants
measurably reduced their risk of fall.


High intensity classes per week.


of clients maintained or improved
their self care function.


Loss of self care function is the
number 1 reason seniors are
admitted into nursing homes.


Minutes of exercise, 3 times per
week boosts brain power, reduces
stress, and has been shown to
prevent/delay dementia.

The Impact Treatment Makes

Your generous donations have allowed us to change the lives of many people.

Be A Part of Our Impact

To learn more about how you can help change a life, click the button below.



“All I know is that I’m going to fully enjoy living the rest of my story.”

Eric Galvez, (Brain Cancer)


“This place was my saving grace. They were so creative about coming up with things to address the impact of my stroke.”

Amanda Hailey, (Stroke)
Policeman and Survivor

nancy run_crop

“I love it there! They help me get better. I ask many questions regarding exercise, and I get answers. I walk better; I am now able to run! I want to improve... and I am.”

Nancy Cohee, (Stroke)

Tondy Radna

“After being told I’ll never walk again, and now I’m able to walk, I think anything is possible.”

Tony Radna, (Spinal Cord Injury)